Thoughts are Choices

I was recently thinking about the times in my life when I just decided that something I wanted was going to happen. 

Reflecting on those times, what they all had in common was it's done energy. 

What is done energy? It's a decision. 

I didn't ask for permission, and I didn't seek validation. I just did it. 

When life gave me the lack of evidence I was searching for, I did not accept it as truth. I saw it as an opportunity to double down and believe harder.

You see, your beliefs about yourself are just thoughts you continue to choose over and over again until they become automatic.

So, do you like what you're choosing?

You govern your mind, not the other way around. Think about that.

When you think you can't do something, don't just accept it as truth.  Ask yourself, why not?

What might happen if you instead thought, I can and will? Your feelings and actions will be completely different.

You are more than the mind. You are also spirit. Your current reality is the product of past beliefs. It's old news.

Change occurs from the inside out.

When you change your thoughts and commit to them, it takes a minute for your outer reality to catch up. 

The task is to continue holding your belief without physical evidence.

Holding belief is where your work is, and it's why so many of you give up.

However, I don't want you to think of it as work. What if it was a game you enjoy playing instead of work?

For example, if your goal is to lose weight, what does that future version of you that has already lost weight do? 

How does she carry herself?

How does she feel?

How does she behave?

What does she eat?

What physical activity does she enjoy?

What does she think of her body?

When you answer these questions, think about how you can be that person today. You can apply this exercise to other areas of your life as well.

All you have to do is decide. 


Got problems?


Is your thinking making things better or worse?