Is your thinking making things better or worse?

My family and I recently had covid.

We had already rescheduled my son's birthday party once due to a covid quarantine at my son's preschool, and we had to cancel his party for a second time.

We were also scheduled to go to the Bahamas for a long-overdue family vacation the next day. That got canceled as well.

Although I was disappointed about my son and our vacation, I felt that at least we were all okay, and that's what was most important.

I thought things happen, and even when I don't understand why, it's for our unforeseen benefit.

That thought really carried me through any disappointment I was feeling.

Then a week later, my husband got sick again. Now I'm thinking, what the heck is going on? We can't catch a break!

That thought took me a few days to shake off, keeping me in a loop of poor us and poor me.

I wasn't feeling inspired to do much of anything because I was feeling sorry for myself.

And I realized that's okay. It's okay because I'm human and can allow myself to feel my emotions. I know that life is 50/50.

We can't be happy all of the time. I also know that staying in the place of feeling sorry for myself isn't serving my family or me.

After all, my husband is the one who's sick now. How can I care for him and our child while I'm wallowing?

I can, but not well if I'm feeling sorry for myself.

The fact is my husband is unwell.

Everything else is a story that I create.

So what can I think instead?

What thoughts best serve me in this situation?

I get to decide what I want to think.

I know we sometimes feel we don't have a choice, but we always do. Take the time to think about how you want to feel.

Choose your thoughts the way you would choose what you will wear today. See how those thoughts feel.

Your thoughts create your life and your story.

Are you tired of your old stories and need help creating new ones?

Hit reply or click the button below.

Have a beautiful day!

Have a beautiful day!


Thoughts are Choices


How can you be happy?