Vivian Frost

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How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom

It’s very interesting, and very telling,for me to see how different clients treat their bedroom.

Your bedroom is one of the most importantrooms in your house according to Feng Shui.

It’s where you unwind and restore yourself. Addressing issues in your bedroom helps bring balance, leading you to live a successful life.

I cannot overstate enough that the energy you place here is so important to your well-being.

When creating a bedroom that is supportiveto you and your significant other there are things to keep in mind:


Sometimes choosing which room should be your master bedroom is obvious, but sometimes it isn’t. For example, whenever possible choose the room that is furthest from the main door in your house or apartment. This space is normally quieter than the other rooms in your house, and the distance from the main doorway gives it a feeling of safety and security.


First and foremost, you need to have correct placement of your bed. Your bed should be placed furthest away from the door and not be in line with your door. Meaning when you’re lying in bed your feet aren’t facing in line with the door.

This is called the coffin position. This is the position dead bodies are taken out of a room.


You want a solid wall behind the head ofyour bed, and having a solid headboard is key. I find headboards thathave cushioning to be the best.


You will need two nightstands, although theydon’t have to be matching if that is your taste.

Even in the tiniest of rooms it is possibleto find very small end tables.

When dealing with placement of your otherfurniture (for example, a dresser) having that facing across your bedso it is directly opposite the head of the bed is best. I know thereare many times given the shape of the room this is not alwayspossible, but when you can this is ideal.

The idea is balance, so you don’t have allthe heavy furniture on one person’s side of the bed. If your roomis large enough often people put chairs in their rooms. This is fine,but again, in pairs is best.


You will want to have two light sources oneither side of the bed. Usually these are table lamps, but lightsources from the wall are great too. The idea again is to have itemsin pairs.

I’ve seen a lot of high end designed homesthat don’t take this into account. It doesn’t mean they aren’tbeautiful and don’t look amazing, but it isn’t Feng Shui.

A couple of different light sources is alsoa good idea when dealing with your master bedroom.


Bedrooms are not the best space for mirrorsto be honest.

Again, I’ve seen some beautifully styledroom that have a leaning mirror against a wall facing the bed, butit’s not good Feng Shui to do so. Mirrors can invite a third partyinto the relationship and cause discord. Not to mention it can alsoscare the heck out of you when you need to get up in the middle ofthe night to get a glass of water!

If you must have a mirror, just make sureit’s not facing your bed.


Desks in a bedroom aren’t considered goodFeng Shui either but in today’s world where so many people live insmaller apartments what can you do?

I think that as long as you can disconnecteverything before you go to bed so that you don’t have EMF’semitting towards you while you sleep it’s fine.

Sometimes, if the space permits, sectioningyour work area off by having a screen between your bed and your deskcan help too.

How many of us also sleep with the phone ona night table right next to our heads?


If you can, and it will take some gettingused to, put the phone in another room or as far away from your bodyas possible.


The art you choose for your bedroom isextremely important. No lonely images please! Especially if you arelooking for a partner. Images of couples and nature tend to workbest. Images of birds in pairs, as well as peonies, are excellent forrelationships in master bedrooms.

I once knew a woman who was going through avery troubled time in her marriage and when I saw her bedroom it had all these pictures of single women throughout her bedroom on thewalls. Not too mention her main relationship sector had a bust sculpture of a woman.

Sadly, she’s now divorced… And yes, Idid warn her. She just wasn’t into Feng Shui.

So, you get the picture: pairs, happy uplifting photos and art.

Keep family photos out of your room. Put them somewhere else where you can enjoy it like the living room.

Finally, know that whatever you place in your bedroom has an acute effect on your life and your energy.

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