The Corona Virus + Feng Shui Steps You Can take Right Now
In times of uncertainty, what can you do right now to take control of your life?
Well if you’re a feng shui consultant like me (or anenthusiast) you can take a look at ways that feng shui can help you. Since mostof us are home, now is an opportunity to really make your home a haven foryourself and take advantage of having quality time with our families.
In feng shui this year there are sectors that are afflicted.There is every year, actually. In classical feng shui it’s called the Flying Stars.
We’ve all been watching the developments of the virus on thenews for a while now. I’ve kept quiet talking about feng shui and how I relateit to the corona virus, but honestly there are some incredible things I’venoticed. Afterall, the virus started in the East. This year the East, South,North, and Center are all afflicted with negative stars.
The most serious of these pertaining to health are the East, South, and Center.
For reference here is the bagua map.
The East is afflicted by the 5 yellow misfortune star and isthe area that represents family and health. Things that you would normally havehere such as plants, candles, bright colors, and wood are not good to have thisyear.
In the East area of your home what is needed this year ismetal, the colors white and gray.
A six metal windchime is ideal as well to help drain theenergy of this malicious star.
Three bamboo stalks in a metal, gray or white vase couldalso be added to this area.
The South is afflicted this year by the 2-illness star andthis sector represents fame. This can range from anything minor to potentially fatalsituations.
The South is the sector that pertains to fire. For this yearremove all fire elements, bright vibrant colors, and plants. Minimize having woodin this area, as wood creates fire.
Here, just as in the East, add metal elements, whites andgrays. When I say metal btw, it can be anything from dumbbells, heavy metalpots, or brass candle sticks. Get the picture?
The center of our homes this year is afflicted by the 7 loss/robberystar. What really bothers me about this star is that because it’s in the center,or heart of the home, it has the ability to affect anyone in the home. All the sectorsof the bagua are connected to it and therefore has the ability to impact everything.
Keep this area quiet. No loud music here, bright lights, TV’s,or plants.
Plants are wonderful, don’t get me wrong, but they areactive, and that’s just something you really don’t want to add to any of theseareas in 2020.
In this area you can add water, like an aquarium orfountain, representations of water like art or deep blue colors. Another thingyou can add if you prefer, is a deity. It can be anything from a blue medicinebuddha, to images of Christ, Moses, or Krishna. Whoever you pray to and whicheverreligion you follow.
If you have an important room in any of these locations, tryto move into another one. If that’s not possible mitigate the risks byimplementing the above.
You can also add transcendental feng shui cures. For those,feel free to reach out to me and I can send you recommendations and links onwhere you can order these online.
I do not make anything off of these recommendations, btw.