How can you be happy?

Some people believe the world is a horrible place. People are starving and dying from disease and war. Bad things happen every day, but so do good things.

Where do you want to place your focus?

Buddha said, "what you think you become." What does that really mean?

It means that where you place your attention and how you feel determines your life.

Your beliefs create your reality. Although it may not feel that way, your thoughts and feelings are choices.

They feel like they're happening to you, but they aren't. You are choosing all of it.

Are you sick and tired of replaying the same old themes that don't serve you? Are you tired of the world telling you who you are?

Have you taken the time to consider your own opinion?

What if I were to tell you that your friends, family, job, or significant other can't make you happy.

It's your thoughts about them that do.

How can you focus more on healing and valuing your relationship with yourself? It's the most important relationship you will ever have.

Before becoming a life coach, I had heard of life coaches, but I didn't really understand what they did. That was until I finally decided to hire one for myself.

I had become a Mom for the first time at 46, and I believed that having a deeper understanding of myself would help me be the best version of myself.

What I learned was truly life-changing for me.

I learned that most of my problems were created by me. That was not something I was ready to admit, btw!

I had so many stories about why my life was the way it was. Years of practicing people-pleasing, playing the victim, and surrendering my authority to others made it very difficult to believe that my issues were self-created.

Although I felt I had come a long way on my own, I knew there was more for me to learn. Many of us are our own harshest critics.

I knew that my self-criticism wasn't serving me, but I had years of practice in perfecting it.

Through coaching, I had some pretty immediate "AHA" moments that were transformative and other issues that still come up for me from time to time.

When an old comfortable/uncomfortable feeling comes up, I say, "Oh, hi, nice to see you again"! I am being sarcastic, of course. :)

I know that it doesn't mean anything unless I make it mean something. And if I do make it mean something about myself, I usually don't stay there as long as I used to because I have tools to help and guide me.

If you want your life to change, you have to do the inner work. Life is always 50/50, and we aren't meant to be happy all of the time.

Being human means we have access to a rainbow of emotions, which is beautiful and sometimes scary.

How you learn to accept and navigate those emotions so that it doesn't hinder you in your life is a skill.

Learning to recognize and release self-limiting beliefs is a gift you can give to yourself. I can help you.

Book your complimentary exploratory call today.

Wishing you a wonderful day!


Is your thinking making things better or worse?


WAIT, before you light that match!